Sunday, March 10, 2013

FWI Day 2: leap of faith

We woke Sunday morning to the smells of breakfast, which was served at the back porch (deck) of the boat. The table was set, the toast, eggs, bacon, and cereals were prepared and eight rested passengers assembled for a blessing on the food and to share stories of sleeping while adjusting to the constant rising and falling of the boat with the tide.

Mullet Bay was beautiful in the morning.

After breakfast we dressed for Sabbath services and the captain instructed us that, without any dock or pier around, to go ashore we would need to ride the dinghy (small inflatable motorized boat) to the breaking waves, then wait until the exact moment when the waves broke to leap from the dingy onto the sand while allowing the captain to reverse the motor with the wave and not be left stranded on the sand subject to pummeling by the next wave.  The goal was to keep church clothes dry.

We were almost entirely successful... Fortunately, the constant breeze and 84 degree whether dried those who attended church with slightly wet and somewhat salty clothing.

Once ashore we turned and photographed our boat in the bay.

We went to the hotel on the bay and summoned a taxi, who took all eight of us to church. Church was mostly in English with portions translated into French. Reid confirmed that the temperature during the main services exceeded 90 degrees, but once someone turned on the air conditioning we were comfortably back into the mid-80s.  Matt was glad he was barefoot for our meeting (and that his pants, wet to the knees [from aiding a rescue of one in our party] kept him cool).


After church we took a taxi to Marigot where we explored the city and then met the captain and returned to the yacht.

We spent the afternoon reading and relaxing, and the captain gave us a dinghy tour of the lagoon which houses hundreds of boats, including many with families or individuals living on boats both on shore and moored in the lagoon.

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