I am writing from the second floor of our townhouse in the center of town in St. Aignan, France. We are in the middle of town, listening to the construction of booths outside our window in the town square--Saturday is "Market Day." The market is so close if you go to the open window in our room you can catch a smell of the fresh fish being organized on a bed of crushed ice. Anthon and I are the only two awake and plan to take a walk to locate the bakery around the corner (approx. 200 feet [I won't attempt the feet-meters conversion]), buy some goat cheese and some fruit or yogurt and provide this for our breakfast as the other children awake. We just heard the church bells ring seven times indicating it is seven o'clock in the morning (it is 11pm back home).
How can months of mental preparation, and weeks of packing and organization result in a whirlwind sprint to pack the car and race to the airport?

We disembarked in Paris, wound our way through the Charles de Gaulle airport and through customs and finally to the baggage claim. The girls commented on the kissing; the cheek-to-cheek cultural pleasantries as good-byes and hellos were exchanged. Then it was to the car rental counter where the foreign travel experience began. I thought most people spoke English and this was going to be "no problem." But, so far, it has been only French at the car rental counter (thank you Erik Olson for interpreting our reservation back to the original price [saving us $2,000; we owe you dinner]), the gas station (try explaining "my iphone won't connect to the wifi" in a language you don't understand), the sandwich shop, and every stand at the market. Thankfully our landlord is British.

We rented our Peugeot Tepee, 6 speed manual transmission, diesel, packed it to the rafters with our luggage and strollers, and we were off to St. Aignan. Within minutes, George, Anthon and Grace were asleep. We caught glimpses of the Eiffel Tower in the distance as we skurted the east side of Paris, heading due south by southwest to the Loire (loo-wa) Valley. 160-175 kilometers an hour (100 mph = 160 kilometers per hour) down the toll road and we arrived in two and one-half hours, through beautiful French countryside of wheat fields and vineyards, and small towns. We arrived in St. Aignan (san-tan-ya) at 9:15pm (2:15pm Utah time) and became aquainted with our landlord, Starr.
We learned where to find the dustbin (garbage can) for the rubbish, the hoover (vacuum), and the loo (toilet). It all seems right out of a movie set; but most of all we are thrilled to have arrived without incident and excited to learn what life will be like for the next three weeks in St. Aignan.
What an adventure! I'm loving all the pictures. I know you are well prepared and will have a great time!
ReplyDeleteDear Grimmers, I have just had the chance to catch up on this amazing adventure you are having! Wow, how I wish I could eat the cheese, smell and taste the bread and see those amazing sites with you. We miss you dearly here and I am so glad you are having such a wonderful experience. Thanks for the blog so I can live through you. :)